Chaffee of the 117th Cavalry Recon Squadron, St. Jean Saverne, France 9 March 1945
M24 February 1945 ETO
M24 of the U.S. 9th Army crossing Rhine 24 March 1945
Whitewashed Chaffee Ardennes 1944
Chaffee at Werkleitz 16 April 1945
Light Tank, M24 Chaffee somewhere in Germany 1945
M24 Chaffee of the 1st Armored Division, 81st Recon Squadron in Gergato Italy 1945, color photo
M24 Chaffee of the 18th Cavalry Squadron, 14th Cavalry Group at Petit Thier, Belgium February 1945
M24 Chaffee from 20th Armored Division enters Munich, April 1945
M24 Chaffee from 743rd Tank Battalion, 30th ID, February 1945
LCM(3) off-loads an M24 during the Operation Plunder, Rhine crossing, March 1945
35th Infantry Division clearing Lintfort, Germany with M24 tank support
West Point Cadets with M24 Chaffee at Camp Popolopen 1944
U.S. light tank used during the later part of World War II.