Martin PBM-3C Mariner C-10 off NAS Norfolk, Virginia 1942 2

Martin PBM-3C Mariner C-10 off NAS Norfolk, Virginia 1942

PBM-3C Mariner C-10 off NAS Norfolk, Virginia 1942

One of the most recognizable early Mariners was the PBM-3C, which was introduced into service in September 1942. A total of 274 were delivered for operational use. In this model, the protective armor for the crew was increased, as was the nose and dorsal armament, bringing the total number of machine guns for defense to seven. Later, the tail turret weaponry was doubled, bringing the total to eight. The APS-15 search radar soon appeared on this version, housed just aft of the flight deck. The patrol squadrons over the Atlantic were the first to receive the PBM-3C. Equipped with increased defensive armament and an assortment of offensive bombs and depth charges, the aircraft were well-prepared to deal with the U-Boat threat. However, by this time, German submarines were becoming more daring and would surface to engage their attackers.

Published at 1600 × 1067 px.
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Martin PBM-3C Mariner C-10 off NAS Norfolk, Virginia 1942 2

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