Damaged P-51D 44-63428 15th FG, 45th FS Airfield 1 Iwo Jima 1945

P-51D 44-63428 Airfield 1 Iwo Jima 1945

44-63213 from 46th FS, 21st FG resting on the wing of 44-63428

21st Fighter Group Markings

The 21st Fighter Group operated P-51D Mustang.

Group Markings:

  1. 46th Fighter Squadron (FS)

    • Identification: Side number only.
    • Trim Color: Medium blue fin band, spinner, wing and tailplane tips edged in black.
  2. 72nd Fighter Squadron (FS)

    • Identification: Side number only.
    • Trim Color: Yellow fin band, spinner, wing and tailplane tips edged in black.
  3. 531st Fighter Squadron (FS)

    • Identification: Side number only.
    • Trim Color: White fin band, spinner, wing and tailplane tips edged in black.

General Aircraft Appearance:

  • Color Scheme: The aircraft were typically unpainted (natural metal finish), with the exception of the olive drab anti-glare panel on the nose.

Published at 1390 × 1017 px.
Link to full-size photo:
Damaged P-51D 44-63428 15th FG, 45th FS Airfield 1 Iwo Jima 1945

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