Junkers Ju 87 R-2 dive bombers of the III/StG 2 Crainici Balkan Spring 1941
Junkers Ju 87 B of 8/StG 51 1940
Force landed Ju 87B Stuka, 1940/1941
Junkers Ju 87D Stuka captured by U.S. forces, Germany 1945
Abandoned Junkers Ju87B “Berta” somewhere in North Africa, 1943
Junkers Ju 87 G-2 Panzerknacker Stuka with underwing gun pod 1945
Ju87 Stuka dive bombers en route to their targets
Ju87 B up on its nose
Junkers Ju87 B code 6G+BD of StG 51
German dive bomber Junkers Ju87D-3 “N” frontal view
Junkers Ju87 B engine maintenance
Luftwaffe mechanics prepare a Junkers Ju87 D of StG 2 for an operational sortie
British troops inspect a Junkers Ju 87R-2 Stuka, code T6+AN, which made an emergency landing in the desert December 1941
Ju87 B-1 53 mechanics using a hand crank to start the engine
Junkers Ju 87 D/5 of 2/JG 107 Markersdorf May 1944
US Soldiers posed with captured Luftwaffe Ju87 B Stuka
Long-range Stuka Ju 87R-2 of 3/StG 3, 1942 Sicily
Junkers Ju87B of the II/Sturzkampfgeschwader 1, Eastern Front 1941
Ju 87G-2 W.Nr. 494200 with underwing 37 mm gun pods Czechoslovakia 1945
Ju87 camouflaged in winter
Demolished Ju87 of StG 3, DAK North Africa 1942
Captured Ju 87G-2 Panzerknacker Stuka 1945
Junkers Ju87 B of the 4/StG 2 undergoing engine maintenance
Luftwaffe ground crew loads bomb on Ju 87B-1 of StG 2 “Immelmann”
Junkers Ju87 B-1 dive bomber on the ground, front view
Ju 87 D-4 with aerial torpedo ready to take-off
Junkers Ju87 B code AD+RS
Junkers Ju 87 D-3 of StG 2 winter camouflage in flight
Ju 87G-2 Stuka 1945
Captured German Ju87D Stuka dive bomber, Spring 1945
Ju87B parked near trees
Crashed Ju87 B-1 Stuka from StG 77
Captured Luftwaffe personnel with Ju 87D 1945
Junkers Ju87 B “Berta” of the III/StG 51, 1939-1940
Junkers Ju 87 B prepares for take off – Rouen France, Summer 1940
Downed Italian Ju87 Stuka and body of pilot, Sicily 1943
German dive bomber Ju 87R-1 of DAK somewhere in North Africa
Afrikakorps soldiers playing cards, Ju 87R Stuka in the background
Junkers Ju 87 B-1 of 6/StG 77 named Anton der Zweite Eastern Front
Junkers Ju87 B code 6G+AD of StG 51
German dive bomber Ju 87B Stuka
Ju87 D-3 on the snow-covered airfield
Junkers Ju 87D-3N code E8+Gl of 3/NSGr 9, Hotting near Munich 1945
Ju87 B Stuka dive bombers parked landing on an improvised airfield
German dive bomber Ju 87B-2
Junkers Ju 87 D of 3/NSGr 3 August 1944
Ju87 B wreckage North Africa
Junkers Ju87 B of the StG 3
German dive bomber Ju87 R-2 on the ground
Ju87 Stuka crew of unknown unit of the Luftwaffe
Torpedo planes Junkers Ju 87 Stuka on grass airfield
Junkers Ju 87 D-3 of III/StG 1 with sirens attached to undercarriage fairings, Eastern Front 1942-43
Early dive bomber Ju87 A-1 Stuka wearing a pre-war camouflage scheme
long range version of the Stuka Junkers Ju87 R
Ju87 B-1 on grass airfield Eastern Front
Junkers Ju 87 of Stuka Geschwader 77
Junkers Ju87 B-1 “Stuka” on the ground, 1940
Stuka code S7+EP of 6/StG 3 El Aouina Tunisia November 1942
Junkers Ju87 B code 6G+CD of StG 51 rear gunner in his position
Aerial view of the Ju87 B Stuka
Junkers Ju 87B-2 on the ground
Ju87 Stuka of the StG 3 S7+JP Africa
Junkers Ju 87 B-1 code T6+JS of the 7/StG 2, 1939-1940
Junkers Ju 87D Stuka +KK, Eastern Front
Ju 87 B-2 code T6+FR of the 7/Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 “Immelmann” 1941
Junkers Ju87 B-1 Stuka code T6+JS of the 7/StG 2 1939
Ju87 B-1 6G+HR 4/StG 1 in flight – France 1940
Ju 87 A-1 “77” code GJ+NV WNr.5008 of the StS 2 Bad Aibling September 1941
Junkers Ju87 code A5+EL of StG 1 Derna Libya Africa
Junkers Ju 87B-1 of the StG 2 (Sturzkampfgeschwader)
captured Ju87D Liege Belgium 1944
Crashed Junkers Ju 87 Stuka with winter camouflage
Junkers Ju 87 SG2 winter camo
Ju 87 B Stuka 4/StG 77 Bouchy near Evrecy August 1940
Early Junkers Ju 87A “Anton” KN+ at Magdeburg-Ost 1939
Luftwaffe ground crew refuelling a Ju 87 B of the II/StG 77 during Battle of Britain, Evrecy le Petit, June 1940
A line-up of Ju 87s belonging to an unidentified Luftwaffe unit
Junkers Ju 87 R-2 of the Regia Aeronautica prepares to takeoff
camouflaged Junkers Ju 87
Junkers Ju 87B-2 bombed-up for its next strike, Winter Eastern Front
Ju 87 B-2 of the III/StG 51 with winter camo, 1939-1940
Captured by British forces Junkers Ju 87 G-2 “Kanonenvogel” (tank buster), May 1945
Ju 87R-2 of the III/StG 2 with sirens attached to undercarriage fairings, Greece 1941
Junkers Ju 87 dive bombers in flight
Junkers Ju 87 D Stuka on the ground
Junkers Ju 87 B-1 in Babenhausen 1941
Junkers Ju 87 D from II/StG 2 with sirens attached to undercarriage fairings
Junkers Ju 87B-1 coded S2+EP from 6/StG 77
Junkers Ju 87B-2 front view
Junkers Ju 87 pilot and cockpit
German Junkers Ju 87 B-1, code “B” in Babenhausen 1941
Junkers Ju 87B-2 Stuka dive bombers lined up on airfield
Junkers Ju87 is stuck nose-over in ground
Junkers Ju 87D somewhere on the Eastern Front
captured Junkers Ju 87 tail and U.S. soldiers
Junkers Ju87 B luftwaffe dive bomber
Junkers JU 87 R-2 Stuka with the 300l underwing drop tank. May 1941
Junkers Ju 87 D-4 fitted with torpedo dropping gear during trials
Junkers Ju 87 code T6+ StG 2, North Africa
Junkers Ju 87 D Stuka ready for take off, Eastern Front 1943-44
Junkers Ju 87B taxi after landing, winter Eastern Front, color photo
Junkers Ju 87D Stuka with sirens attached to undercarriage fairings
Junkers Ju 87 D Stuka with a hand crank
Ju 87 B-1 II/StG 77 Bouchy near Evrecy August 1940 on start
Late Junkers Ju 87 D “Stuka” dive bomber at Weimar Airfield
Ju 87 B II/StG 77 Bouchy near Evrecy August 1940
Junkers Ju 87 engine 1941
Junkers Ju 87 Stuka Atrappe 1940
Junkers Ju 87 D maintenance
Luftwaffe mechanics at work on a Junkers Ju 87 B-1 engine
Ju 87 B Stab III/StG 77 Flers France July 1940 Hptm Helmut Bode
Crash-landed on beach Ju 87B-1 Stuka of an unknown Luftwaffe unit
Ju 87 pilot IV/StG 1 Schweinfurt Summer 1942
Junkers Ju 87 B-1 dive bomber
Junkers Ju 87 B in Babenhausen 1941 2
Junkers Ju 87B Stuka shot down over El Alamein, 1942
Junkers Ju 87D in flight during World War II
Junkers Ju 87 in winter
Junkers Ju 87, 50kg bombs under wing
Ju 87 B-2 Stuka 4/StG 77 Bouchy near Evrecy August 1940 2
Ju 87 B-1 of the I/StG 1 at Braunschweig Waggum 1939
Junkers Ju 87B-1 Stuka fully loaded with bombs is prepared for its next operation
Junkers Ju87B Stuka, Luftwaffe pilot in the cockpit
Junkers Ju 87 B-1 Stuka of the I/StG 1 “Mors Mors” 1940
damaged Junkers Ju87 Stuka
Regia Aeronautica Junkers Ju 87
Junkers Ju 87 B-1 german dive bomber
Junkers Ju87 code “K” of the 5/StG77 fitted with “Jericho trumpets”, Eastern Front
Junkers Ju87B-2 belonged to unknown unit and Wehrmacht soldiers
Ju 87 B-1 of the StG 1 bombed-up for its next strike, Afrika 1941-1942
Trainer Junkers Ju 87B-2 Stuka ” White 18″ in flight
Junkers Ju 87B Stuka at a snow-covered airfield on the Eastern Front
Ju 87 B Stuka code S7+DT of the 9/StG 3 and Bf109 of JG 27 Afrika 1942
Luftwaffe ground crew, pilots and Junkers Ju 87B-1
Junkers Ju 87 Norway 1940
Junkers Ju87 B-1 front view
Junkers Ju 87B-1 code “D” on a field airfield, frontal view 2
Junkers Ju 87B-1 “Stuka” dive bomber, Winter 1940-1941
Junkers Ju 87D dive bomber
Luftwaffe armourers with bomb trolley and Junkers Ju 87D in the background
Ju 87 B Stuka of the 4/StG 77 Bouchy near Evrecy August 1940
Damaged Ju 87B-1 Stuka of the 5/Sturzkampfgeschwader 77 1940
captured german Stuka Ju87
Ju 87 D StG 1 towing DFS 230 Sidi el Barani Africa 1942
Ju 87 B Stuka 6/StG 77 Bouchy near Evrecy August 1940 2
Captured tank buster Ju 87G “Kanonenvogel” with flame concealing exhaust. Salzburg Austria 1945
Junkers Ju87 D Stuka
Junkers Ju87 cockpit and pilot
Tank buster Junkers Ju 87 G “Kanonenvogel” readying for take off
Dive bomber Junkers Ju 87B-1 Stuka
Junkers Ju 87 D-3 in flight
Junkers Ju 87 camouflaged with branches
Ju 87 B-1 Stuka 9/StG 77 Flers France July 1940
Crash landed early Junkers Ju87 A
Junkers Ju 87R-1 Stuka, long range variant
Junkers Ju 87 Stuka W.Nr. 494257 tail, Belgium 1944
Junkers Ju 87B-1 Stuka at exhibition, winter 1940-1941
Ju 87D IV(Stuka)/LG 1 is prepared for its next operation, 1942
Afrika Korps Ju87 Stuka dive bombers
Ju 87 Stuka of the 3/StG 3 in flight 1943
Junkers Ju 87R-2 of the Regia Aeronautica on the ground, 1941
Junkers Ju 87 wreck Afrika korps
Junkers Ju 87 R-1
Junkers Ju 87 left wing
Junkers Ju87B dive bomber
Ju 87 B Stuka from 9/StG 77 Flers France July 1940
Hydraulic bomb-lifting trolley is used to boomb-up Stuka
Dive bomber Junkers Ju 87B-1
Ju87 of the Luftwaffe’s Staffel 6. Stukageschwader 2 Immelmann
Ju 87 B-1 Stuka of the 9/StG 77 Flers France July 1940 2
Ju 87 B Stuka 6/StG 77 Bouchy near Evrecy August 1940
Junkers Ju 87 “Stuka” (Sturzkampfflugzeug)
Junkers Ju 87 V1, featuring a twin-fin tail unit, flew in 1935 with a Rolls-Royce Kestrel V engine (V12 cylinder liquid cooled), followed in 1936 by the single-finned Ju 87V2 with a Jumo 210 engine. Within another year, the Ju 87A had entered production for the Luftwaffe, giving way in turn to the improved Ju 87B (1100 hp Junkers Jumo 211D engine) in 1938. The Ju 87 B series remained in quantity production for some two years, during which time large numbers were supplied to Germany’s allies as well as to the Luftwaffe. The designation Ju 87 C applied to a handful of Ju 87 B converted for the never finished carrier Graf Zeppelin. Meanwhile, the availability of the improved Junkers Jumo 211 J engine had led the Junkers designers to modify the Ju 87 with a view to utilising this engine.
The result appeared in 1940 in the form of the Ju 87D – still ugly, but much more refined aerodynamically, with cleaner cockpit and cowling lines. The Jut 87 D-3 and Ju 87 D-4, with various alternative underwing gun packs, marked the first specialised use of the type in the ground attack role. The Ju 87 G “Kanonenvogel” was an anti tank conversion of the long span D-5, with two 37 mm underwing cannon. Junkers Ju 87 H was a two seat trainer. Like other early Luftwaffe aircraft, the Ju 87 was compelled to serve long after it had become obsolete, because of the non-arrival of a successful replacement.
Total production: ~6500
Design and Structure
- Wings: Low-wing cantilever design with a center-section integrated into the fuselage and set with an anhedral angle. The outer wing sections taper in both chord and thickness and have a dihedral angle. The structure is an all-metal two-spar design with closely-spaced ribs and a stressed-skin covering. The trailing edge features the Junkers “double-wing” design, where the outer portions serve as ailerons and the inner portions as landing flaps. Diving brakes are fitted beneath the front spars and are used during dive attacks.
- Fuselage: Oval-section, made from light metal, with a smooth metal skin riveted to internal frames and stringers. The structure is joined along a horizontal center-line.
- Tail Unit: Braced monoplane configuration with an all-metal structure. The tailplane and elevators use the Junkers “double-wing” design, with additional bracing to the fuselage.
- Landing Gear: Fixed, divided type with oleo-pneumatic suspension and streamlined casings for the legs. The aircraft has an orientable tail-wheel.
Power Plant
- Engine: Powered by a 1,300 hp Junkers Jumo 211 J twelve-cylinder inverted Vee liquid-cooled engine. The aircraft uses a three-bladed Junkers wooden airscrew.
- Cooling: Equipped with two coolant radiators beneath the center-section and an oil cooler beneath the engine.
- Fuel Capacity: Includes internal fuel tanks in the wings with a capacity of 170 Imperial gallons and provisions for two 66-gallon drop tanks.
Armament and Bomb Load
- Guns: Two 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons mounted in the wings, with twin 7.9 mm MG 81 machine guns on a flexible mounting in the rear cockpit. For ground attack, additional weapon carriers can mount six MG 81 machine guns under each wing.
- Bomb Load: Configurable to carry various bomb loads, including one 550 lb., 1,100 lb., 2,200 lb., or 3,960 lb. bomb under the fuselage, or combinations under the wings.
Dimensions and Weight
- Dimensions: Span of 45 ft. 4 in. (13.8 m), length of 36 ft. 6 in. (11.13 m), height of 12 ft. 9 in. (3.9 m), and wing area of 335 sq. ft. (31 sq. m).
- Weights: Normal flying weight of 12,600 lbs. (5,720 kg) and maximum permissible take-off weight of 14,500 lbs. (6,585 kg).
- Speed: Maximum speed of 255 mph (408 km/h) at 13,500 ft. (4,120 m).
- Climb and Ceiling: Climb to 15,000 ft. (4,575 m) takes 19 minutes; service ceiling at mean weight is 24,000 ft. (7,320 m).
- Range: Maximum range with full fuel load is 1,200 miles (1,920 km), and with maximum bomb load (3,960 lbs. or 1,800 kg) is 620 miles (1,000 km).