Convoy of LCTs and barrage balloons preparing for D-Day Invasion
US Army vehicles move inland on Omaha Beach during the early days of the invasion
Wreckage of American and German Tanks off D-Days Utah Beach Normandy June 1945
Normandy beach photographed from a plane
Supplies flow over Mulberry B Harbor at Gold Beach Arromanches
German prisoners near Cherbourg 1944
Aerial view after bombardment of Vire 1944
US Troops Prepare to Move Inland from Normandy Beachhead
US Infantry in truck liberated Bricquebec Normandy 1944
US Army Troops take bombed Carentan
German POW carry wounded comrades to landing craft on a Normandy beach
Crossed rifles beside fallen US soldier on D-Day Omaha Beach
Landing Barge kitchen LCVs and LCM(3)’s – Invasion of Normandy
Canadian troops guard German POW on D-Days Juno Beach
USS LCI(L)-85 just before sinking off Omaha Beach on D Day
Scene on Red Beach Utah Beach looking seaward down a vehicle path 9 June
US Army Nurses wade ashore Omaha Beach 12 June 1944
British soldiers pass ruins of St. Desir Church in Lisieux Normandy
Spud Pier Section of Mulberry B Harbor Arrives at Arromanches Normandy
US assault troops landing on Utah Beach on D-Day
US GIs find wouned German in Cherbourg
Barrage balloons overhead as US Medics dig in on D-Day beach
US Tanks and trucks move into ruins of Periers
3d Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division on Omaha Beach
D-Day Allied Men and equipment approach French coast
Scene on Utah Beach with troops marching up the road 9 June 1944
US Sappers Clear Mines for advance near La Haye du Puits
Troops in an LCVP landing craft approaching Omaha Beach on D Day – 6 June 1944
French Resistance Fighters with US Paratroopers in Normandy
Rangers rest atop the cliffs at Pointe du Hoc 6 June 1944
Scene on Omaha Beach soon after the D-Day landings
US 90mm Gun Crew in Action near Vierville-sur-Mer Normandy
Knocked Out Crisbecq Battery off Utah Beach at Saint Marcouf Normandy
M8 and Jeep passing wrecked German vehicles in Avranches
GI shot by German sniper near Cherbourg 25 June 1944
German Prisoners from Cherbourg 1944
Bombed shelled ruins of French city St. Lo, Summer 1944
Aerial View of US D-Day landing on Normandy’s Utah Beach
US 82nd Airborne troops in Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte, Normandy
German Surrenders hands up in Cherbourg 1944
troops coming ashore on Mulberry A on D-Days Omaha Beach at Saint Laurent Sur Mer
Troops and Dodge WC63 truck amid ruins of Trevieres 1944
US 9th ID passing KO German truck in Avranches
Airborne Trooper runs for sniper hiding in Church in St. Mere Eglise
USS LCI(L)-490 and USS LCI(L)-496 approach Omaha Beach
Canadaian bicycle Troops land at Juno s Nan White Beach on D-Day
Wreckage of Jeeps and Armored Vehicles on D-Day Beachhead 1944
Wounded German Prisoner with MP of 1st ESB 449th MP Co in Normandy
US Jeeps and Dodge WC Ambulance on Streets of La Haye-du-Puits
Beach organisation clearing vehicles British Sector D-Day Beach
German prisoners awaiting shipment back to England, Normandy, 15 June 1944
Street scene in Sainte-Mère-Église after its capture by the US Army, 10 June 1944
American trucks in bombed ruins of Valognes, 1944
US troops use dead cows as cover on road to Perier
Flame throwers training in England before D-Day 1944
Polish prisoner in German uniform is interrogated by US soldiers, 15 June 1944
US Soldiers guard German POW leaving hideout in Normandy 1944
Dog with KIA Germans Fort Du Roule Normandy
RAF daylight raid on German ammo dump near Falaise August 1944
US 82nd Airborne, 505th PIR Aid Station No. 2 in Sainte-Mère-Église
Canadians advance on Falaise Pocket Gap
101st Airborne Division Paratroops Assembling at RAF Exeter
Troops load LSTs at Brixham England for D-Day Invasion 1944
East Yorkshire Regiment and Sherman DD Land at Queen Red Sector, Sword Beach D-Day
Troops land from USS LCI(L)-412 during the D-Day assault on Omaha Beach, 6 June 1944
Scene on Omaha Beach on the afternoon of D-Day, June 7, 1944
Scene on one of the invasion beache during force buildup operations in June 1944
Medics transferring wounded soldier from D-Day beachhead
Elderly woman pours milk for soldiers in the Normandy area of France
German mortar hits British truck Tilly Normandy 1944
Jeep carrying allied wounded passes Nazi prisoners on Normandy beach
Canadian troops inspect captured battery Friedrich August La Tresorie
German prisoners marched past ruins on outskirts of Caen
US Army CCKW truck in bombed ruins of Isigny
US Army trucks move inland from Omaha Beach
Beachhead LST ships Landing Craft D-Day 1944
LCT-555 stuck on the beach Normandy Invasion
Woman and child on bicycle inspect ruins of Mortain
US Medical Officer treats wounded German on Normandy Beach
US troops entering Periers in Jeep
Rangers with ladders used to storm cliffs at Pointe du Hoc
US Army reinforcements crossing English Channel to Normandy
LCI Convoy and barrage balloons en route to D-Day Invasion
Bangalore torpedo blasts barbed wire D-Day practice
USS LCI(L)-85 just before sinking off Omaha Beach on D-Day
German 88 mm guns pound GIs on beach
Captured German soldiers shelter with US soldiers at St. Lo July 1944
Civilians greet US troops moving thru Cantigny
Troops pass burning German equipment on road to combat zone Falaise
Soldiers view ruins of Notre Dame Cathedral in St. Lo Normandy
US Infantrymen leap for safety of shell hole in Normandy
US Army vehicles move inland from a Normandy invasion beach
Mulberry harbour A off D-Day Omaha Beach in background at Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer
Street scene in Sainte-Mère-Église inland from Utah Beach on 10 June 1944
Infantrymen in Jeep get directions from a MP at a Normandy crossroads
US 82nd Airborne Troops by Church in Sainte-Mère-Église Normandy
Aerial view of Cherbourg Fort June 1944
Advance Guard of US 29th Infantry Division entering St. Lo 1944
5th Rangers Embark at Weymouth for D-Day Invasion of Omaha Beach
Troops of I Corps amid rubble of Caen in Operation Charwood 1944 Normandy
Soldiers of 327th Glider Infantry Regiment amid Ruins of Carentan 1944 Normandy
GMC truck loaded with US troops of the 4th Infantry Division move up to the front on July 23rd
Rows of US Tanks And Halftracks In England Before D-Day Invasion 1944
American Troops Clear German Soldiers from Farm near Utah Beach 1944 Normandy
Medics Help Wounded US Paratrooper D-Day Beach 1944 Normandy
Ambulances Ferry Wounded over Mulberry Harbor near Arromanches Normandy 1944
French Civilians and Firemen Start Reconstruction in Carentan Normandy 1944
German Beach Defenses Set up along Cherbourg Peninsula 1944 Normandy
US 105 mm Howitzer Crew in Action Normandy July 1944
Landing craft at Normandy beach June 8 1944
Captured German Soldiers March through Cherbourg 1944
French Family Leaving Ruins of Their Home in Carentan Normandy 1944
Knocked Out Crisbecq battery at Saint Marcouf Normandy 1944
British Troops with Bicycles Land on Normandy Beach D-Day 1944
British troops on Sword Beach, 2 Battalion, Middlesex Regiment of 3 British Division, D-Day 1944
US Army 2nd Infantry Division Soldiers Easy Red Sector Omaha Beach D-Day +1 Normandy 1944
US Army Ordnance Unit Loads Ammo into 2 1/2 Ton Truck Normandy France 44
Replacement Infantrymen Come Ashore Normandy Beaches July 1944
1st Infantry Division 57 mm Anti Tank Gun in Bunker Caumont-l’Éventé Normandy 1944
US Army engineers use bulldozer to force a path through street in war shattered Valognes Normady France 1944
American soldiers file thru St. Jacques De Nehou enroute to Barneville and Carteret Normandy
GI’s in LANDING CRAFT to Normandy Beach D-DAY +1 1944
LCM Evacuating Casualties from D-Day Invasion Beach
British Commandos Captured during Normandy Invasion 1944
German and US Medics Tend Wounded German POWs in St. Lo Normandy 1944
British Troops Break Through Caen France Normandy 1944
LSTs loading tracked vehicles carts for D-Day assault in England
British Troops Advance through Ruins of Demeuville Normandy 1944
RAF aircraft drop supplies by parachute to British Airborne Division in Normandy 1944
US Troops Celebrate with French Wine in Normandy 1944
US Army Troops in action Rachecourt Normandy 1944
Ruins of German Underground Installations at Pas De Calais Normandy 1944
US soldiers hunt for a Germans in a shell torn building in Cherbourg France 1944
GIs in main street of Isigny June 11 1944 France 1944 Normandy
1st Army Trucks and Jeeps in Ruins of Isigny Normandy 1944
US 4.2 Inch Mortar in Action Carrefour de Chemins Normandy France 1944
Red Cross girls serves fresh batch of doughnuts to US Army soldiers in Normandy
US Army 16th Infantry Regiment , 1st Division with Wounded on Omaha Beach Normandy 1944
DUKW Amphibious on Slapton Sands England Pre D Day Training 1944
USS LST-326 and LST-388 Unloading on Normandy Beach during Low Tide June 1944
Canadian Soldier Resting in Foxhole in Normandy France 1944
D-Day Invasion Glider Pilots On Landing Craft Return 1944
US Troops Parade in City Square of Carentan France Normandy 1944
German prisoners of war 1944 France
Truckload American Troops Advance from Allied Beachhead in France Normandy June 1944
35th Infantry Division Troops And Wrecked Flakpanzer 38(t) In Tessy Sur Vire France
Invasion Fleet For D-Day Normandy 1944 Operation Overlord
US Army Soldiers and Vehicles Move through St. Giles Normandy France July 1944
US Army 4th Infantry Division Troops on Utah Red Beach D-Day Normandy 1944
Landing Craft Mechanized (LCM) vehicles on the beached, Sword Beach Normandy 1944
US Army Soldier in German Mine Field in Normandy France 1944
Invasion of Normandy D-Day, helmets of Allied paratroopers
US 1st Infantry Division Medic with Wounded Soldier on Omaha Beach D-Day
US Paratroopers Hunt for German Troops in St. Mere Eglise Normandy June 1944
Wounded Canadian soldiers on “Juno Beach” D-Day, 6 June 1944
1055th Engineers Clear Rubble in Isigny France with Gas Shovel Trucks Dozer
German Prisoners Unload Wounded Comrade on Normandy Beachhead 1944
American Soldiers Blast German Tank with Bazooka in Normandy 1944
Invasion of Normandy D-Day Troops Wading Through Water
RAF Gliders and Tow Planes Head for Normandy Coast on D-Day
Landing Craft Tank USS LCT 580, Normandy June 1944
US Army GI’s On LCI Landing Craft For D-Day Invasion Normandy June 1944
DUKW Amphibious Moving Off Omaha Beach D-Day 1944
US 3rd Battalion 16th Infantry Regiment 1st Division on Omaha Beach near Colleville sur Mer D-Day
German troops examine an destroyed Waco CG-4 glider Normandy June 1944
US Army Rangers Train in England for D-Day Invasion
American Soldiers Search German Tunnel in Normandy France
US Infantrymen Advance thru German Minefield in Normandy 1944
111th Naval Construction Battalion Landing at Omaha Beach D-Day Normandy 1944. LCT-562 and USS LST-502 in the background
Landing Craft Tank USS LCT-622 with ramp down on beach
1st Infantry Division Wounded on Omaha Beach D-Day June 6 1944
1st Battalion Troops in LCVP Approach Omaha Beach on D-Day 1944
American Soldiers at German Pillbox “Le Ruquet” on D-Day’s Omaha Beach Normandy 1944
US Army Troops Rest in Ditch During Advance on Cherbourg June 1944 Normandy
American Soldiers Advancing Past Jeeps on Road to Cherbourg France 30 June 1944
Invasion of Normandy D-Day at Omaha Beach
Civilians Cheer US Forces Entering Barneville France June 1944
Freshly Captured German POWs Normandy August 1944
Fleet Massed off Isle of Wight for D-Day Invasion of France 1944
Bombed Ruins of Railway Station in Caen France Normandy 1944
Normandy LST June 1944 Trucks and Jeeps
American Liberty Ships Scuttled off D-Day’s Omaha Beach
Wounded soldiers Normandy Omaha Beach June 6 1944 D-Day
Truck And Bombed Church Near Vierville Normandy June 1944
Gliders Near Cherbourg France D-Day Normandy 6 June 1944
298th Engineers Clear Rubble In Valognes France Normandy 1944
French Destruction of Homes by Bombs Normandy 1944
Destruction in Vire Normandy France 1944
LST Ship Unloading Trucks D-Day Beach Normandy 1944
Hospital Ship 65 After D-Day Normandy June 1944
DUKW Duck On Omaha Beach D-Day Normandy June 1944
US LST 532 Unloads Jeep On Omaha Beach D-Day Normandy 1944
German Prisoners Pow Omaha Beach D-Day 1944 Normandy
Bulldozer Pulling DUKW Duck D Day Beach Normandy 1944
French Refugees Digging Through Rubble Isigny sur Mer Normandy June 1944
French Refugees Return after Liberation Normandy 1944
Destroyed German bunker Normandy D-Day June 6. 1944
U.S. Paratroopers enroute to enemy lines in France, D-Day Normandy 1944
D-Day Omaha Beach June 6 Normandy 1944
Aerial View Of German Beach Defenses In Normandy Summer 1944
hedgerow cutter for Allied tank Normandy 1944
US Soldiers Celebrate with French Civilians St Lo Normandy 1944
Wrecks and landing crafts, Normandy, Omaha Beach durnig invasion
Carentan Normandy 21 June 1944
D-Day Omaha Beach Ships And Equipment June 1944 Normandy
Bombed Building Factory Nr Vierville Normandy June 1944
Vehicles being unloaded onto a beachhead in Normandy from a barge. In the foreground is a captured German anti-tank gun.
D-Day Beach With Obstacles And Debris Normandy June 1944
Photo Fireman Put Out Fire in Carentan Normandy France 1944
Normandy invasion D-Day US LST and Soldiers
LCT 199 Landed 197th AA Omaha Beach D-Day Normandy 1944
D-Day and the Battle of Normandy: 6 June 1944 – July 1944.
- Christopher Shores, Chris Thomas – 2nd Tactical Air Force Volume One: Spartan to Normandy June 1943 to June 1944
- Steven J. Zaloga – D-Day Fortifications in Normandy, Osprey Fortress 37
- Antony Beevor – D-Day The Battle for Normandy
- Donald E. Graves – Blood and Steel: The Wehrmacht Archive, Normandy 1944
- Eric Hunt – Mont Pincon, Battleground Europe: Normandy
- John Keegan – Six Armies in Normandy
- Richard Hargreaves – The Germans in Normandy, Stackpole Military History Series
- Wolfgang Schneider – Tigers in Normandy
- Thomas Carter – Beachhead Normandy: An LCT’s Odyssey
- Martin K. A. Morgan – The Americans on D-Day: A Photographic History of the Normandy Invasion
- Freiherr von Luttwitz – Fighting the Breakout: The German Army in Normandy from Cobra to the Falaise Gap
- Roy M. Stanley – The Normandy Invasion, June 1944: Looking Down on War
- Norbert Számvéber – Waffen-SS Armour in Normandy: The Combat History of SS Panzer Regiment 12 and SS Panzerjäger Abteilung 12, Normandy 1944, based on their original war diaries
- Jon E. Lewis – Voices from D-Day: Eyewitness Accounts from the Battle for Normandy
- Mary K. Barbier – D-Day Deception: Operation Fortitude and the Normandy Invasion
- LtCol Philip M. Mattox – 50 Div in Normandy: A Critical Analysis Of The British 50th (Northumbrian) Division On D-Day And In The Battle Of Normandy
- The Facts on File D-Day Atlas: The Definitive Account of the Allied Invasion of Normandy
- Hitler’s Children – Spitting Fire, Eyewitness Accounts – 12th SS Panzer ‘Hitler Youth’ in Normandy 1944 – Sprech Media
- Sunday Punch in Normandy – The Tactical Use of Heavy Bombardment in the Normandy Invasion
- H. Bennett – Destination Normandy: Three American Regiments on D-Day, Studies in Military History and International Affairs
- Mark Zuehlke – Breakout from Juno: First Canadian Army and the Normandy Campaign, July 4-August 21, 1944
- William B Kirkland – Destroyers At Normandy: Naval Gunfire Support At Omaha Beach
- George Blackburn – The Guns of Normandy: A Soldier’s Eye View, France 1944
- John Buckley – British Armour in the Normandy Campaign
- Carlo d’Este – Decision in Normandy: The Real Story of Montgomery and the Allied Campaign
- Stephen E. Ambrose – Citizen Soldiers: The U. S. Army from the Normandy Beaches to the Bulge to the Surrender of Germany
- Steven J. Zaloga – Cherbourg 1944: The First Allied Victory in Normandy – Osprey Campaign 278
- Steven J. Zaloga – Operation Cobra 1944: Breakout from Normandy (Osprey Campaign 88)
- Mark Bando – 101st Airborne: The Screaming Eagles at Normandy
- Richard P. Hallion – D-Day 1944: Air Power Over the Normandy Beaches and Beyond
- Terry Copp – Fields of Fire – The Canadians in Normandy
- Ian Daglish – Operation Bluecoat: Breakout from Normandy, Over the Battlefield
- Eric Lefevre – Panzers in Normandy: Then and Now – Battle of Britain International Ltd 1999
- Max Hastings – Overlord: D-Day and the Battle for Normandy 2006
- Jean-Paul Pallud – Ruckmarsch: The German Retreat From Normandy: Then and Now, Battle of Britain International 2006
- Stephen E. Ambrose – Beyond the Beachhead: The 29th Infantry Division in Normandy
- Stuart Hills – By Tank Into Normandy (Cassell Military Paperbacks)
- Barrett Tillman – D-Day Encyclopedia: Everything You Want to Know About the Normandy Invasion (World War II Collection)
- Philip Vickers – Das Reich: 2nd SS Panzer Division “Das Reich”: Drive to Normandy, June 1944 (Battleground Europe), Pen and Sword Military 2003
- James A. Wood – Army of the West: The Weekly Reports of German Army Group B from Normandy to the West Wall
- Panzerwrecks 8: Normandy 1, William Auerbach 2009
- Panzerwrecks 11: Normandy 2, William Auerbach
- Georges Bernage – The Panzers and the Battle of Normandy: 5 June to 20 July 1944
- Guy Hartcup – Code Name Mulberry: The Planning Building & Operation of the Normandy Harbours
- D-Day Tank Warfare: Armored Combat in the Normandy Campaign – Concord 7002, 1994
- Patrick Delaforce – Churchill’s Desert Rats in North-West Europe: From Normandy to Berlin
- Anthony Tucker-Jones – Armoured Warfare in the Battle for Normandy (Images of War)
- Rick Atkinson, Kate Waters – D-Day: The Invasion of Normandy, 1944
- Martin Wolfe – Green Light!: A Troop Carrier Squadron’s War from Normandy to the Rhine
- Colonel Bernd Horn – Men of Steel: Canadian Paratroopers in Normandy, 1944 (Canadians at War)
- Omaha Beach: V Corps Battle for the Normandy Beachhead, Battleground Europe, Pen and Sword 2003
- Edwin Hoyt – The Invasion Before Normandy: Secret Battle of Slapton Sands
- Scott T. Price – The U.S. Coast Guard at Normandy
- Reginald H. Roy – D-Day! The Canadians and the Normandy Landings June 1944
- Les Blindes Allies En Normandie, Armes Militaria Magazine Hors-Serie 2 (french)
- Les Panzer En Normandie, Armes Militaria Magazine Hors-Serie 1 (french)
- La Campagne De Normandie (I) 6 Juin 1944, La Premiere Vague, Armes Militaria Magazine Hors-Serie 12 (french)
- La Campagne De Normandie (II) La Bataille Du Bocage, Armes Militaria Magazine Hors-Serie 13 (french)
- Normandie La Percee (1) Operation Goodwood, Armes Militaria Magazine Hors-Serie 26 (french)
- Stephen Hart – Sherman Firefly vs Tiger: Normandy 1944 – Osprey Duel 2
- Normandy: Gold Beach – Inland from King, June 1944 (Battleground Europe)
- Normandy: Utah Beach – St Mere Eglise, VII Corps, 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions (Battleground Europe)
- Lloyd Clark – Orne Bridgehead, Battle Zone Normandy 1
- Simon Trew – Gold Beach, Battle Zone Normandy 4
- Peter Yates – Battle for St-Lo, Battle Zone Normandy 10
- Simon Trew – Battle for Caen, Battle Zone Normandy 11
- John A. English – Surrender Invites Death: Fighting the Waffen SS in Normandy, Stackpole Books 2011
- Steven J. Zaloga – D-Day 1944 (1): Omaha Beach, Osprey Campaign 100
- Steven J. Zaloga – D-Day 1944 (2): Utah Beach & US Airborne landings, Osprey Campaign 104
- Ken Ford – D-Day 1944 (3) Sword Beach & British Airborne Landings, Osprey Campaign 105
- Ken Ford – D-Day 1944 (4) Gold & Juno Beaches, Osprey Campaign 112
- Will Fowler – Pegasus Bridge: Benouville D-Day 1944, Osprey Raid 11
- Steven J. Zaloga – Rangers Lead the Way: Pointe-du-Hoc D-Day 1944 – Osprey Raid 1
- Jane Penrose – D-Day Companion PB: Leading Historians explore history’s greatest amphibious assault
- Mark Zuehlke – Juno Beach: Canada’s D-Day Victory: June 6, 1944
- Stephen E. Ambrose – D-Day Illustrated Edition: June 6, 1944: The Climactic Battle of World War II
- Flint Whitlock – If Chaos Reigns: The Near-Disaster and Ultimate Triumph of the Allied Airborne Forces on D-Day, June 6, 1944
- Jacob F Field – D-Day in Numbers: The Facts Behind Operation Overlord
- Mark Zuehlke – Holding Juno: Canada’s Heroic Defence of the D-Day Beaches: June 7-12, 1944
- Edmund Blandford – Two Sides of the Beach: The Invasion and Defense of Europe in 1944
- Michael D. Doubler – Busting the Bocage: American Combined Operations in France, 6 June -31 July 1944
- Joseph Balkoski – Utah Beach: The Amphibious Landing and Airborne Operations on D-day, June 6, 1944
- Steven Zaloga – Armored Attack 1944: U. S. Army Tank Combat in the European Theater from D-Day to the Battle of Bulge
- L Granatstein – Bloody victory Canadians and the D-Day campaign, 1944
- Tim Saunders – Gold Beach-Jig: Jig Sector and West – June 1944 (Battleground Europe)
- Cornelius Ryan – The Longest Day
- D-Day Ships. The Allied Invasion Fleet, June 1944
- Ken Ford – Operation Neptune 1944: D-Day’s Seaborne Armada, Osprey Campaign 268
- Steven Zaloga – US Airborne Divisions in the ETO 1944-45, Osprey
- Steven Zaloga – The Devil’s Garden
- Steven Zaloga – US Infantryman vs German Infantryman: European Theater of Operations 1944, Osprey Combat 15
- Steven Zaloga – US Armored Divisions: The European Theater of Operations 1944-1945, Osprey Battle Orders 3
- John C. Davenport – D-Day and the Liberation of France
- Max Hastings – Das Reich: The March of the 2nd SS Panzer Division Through France, June 1944